Each Order Receives A Hope Sammich!

Hope Sammich Slaps


定價 $2.00



Hellooo my fellow CRO-ME’s 🙂

CROME’s Kitsch’n has been cookin’ up something new to help the Hunger in America and around the World! The hunger for CHANGE, ACCOUNTABILITY, EQUALITY, FAIRNESS, AND LOVE!

Tell me something you’re HANGRY for - I really want to make a difference with my art!

With my last illustration “Don’t Drink The Kool-Aid” starring Chief Oompa Loompa – I am continuing with my “Make America Eat Again” that graced the artwork & the only thing that everyone seemed to be on board with. Prices are scary high in the grocery stores right now. And one thing we definitely need to be affordable and fully stocked up on right now - is HOPE.

To not pick at my food too much - but to give you a glimpse of symbolism used within this:

  • White Bread (no explanation needed)

  • American Cheese (...orange…color of: BINGO!)

  • Red Tomatoes (...could symbolise Republican Party)

  • Green Lettuce ( the earth and stability for Hope )

  • Cheese oozing all over and ruining quality ingredients, Tastes great - not great for you. Covers up flavors of entire ingredients. Flavors = Diversity

OR, you can just see it as what it is:

A Sammich filled with HOPE! (...and, love!)

Full vinyl sticker sheet (10) for $10, ½ sheets for $5, Solo Slaps: $2)

Folks that purchase any of my work (prints, of art, etc...) from cromeinc.com will also receive a Hope Sammich for the next 4 years*!(*while supplies last, may have to substitute ingredients😏)


And - That’s it!

Get your Hope Sammiches Herrrre!

20% of proceeds will go to an organization that helps feed people in need. Stay tuned on my decision! 👀🥰🫶


Much Love, Folks!!